
Aritmia - Normal heart rate derived from the SA node and has a regular vibration without barriers impulse supra (intraventrikular) with frequency in the range of 60-100 times / minute. Healthy life - Heart rate beyond those mentioned above into the category of arrhythmias. In other words Arrhythmia is a disease of heart rhythm abnormality / abnormal heart rhythm with an irregular heartbeat, could be too fast or it could be too slow compared with a normal heartbeat. Healthy life - Some examples of symptoms a person has Arrhythmias include: often experience dizziness, shortness of breath, tiredness, pain in the chest, and sometimes experience fainting. Healthy life - To prevent or reduce the likelihood of arrhythmias one should avoid some things such as: smoking, diet had high cholesterol, alcohol, caffeine, sugar etc. Healthy life