Krisan (Chrysanthemum indicum L.)

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum L.) is a plant of the Asteraceae family, originating from eastern Asia (Japan, Korea and northern China). Chrysanthemum plants can grow well in areas with an altitude of about 700 - 1200 above sea level with a tolerance to grow at temperatures between 17-30 degrees Celsius. Generally chrysanthemum plants begin flowering in 10-14 weeks after planting. From the research, chrysanthemum leaf contains alkaloids, tannins and saponins. In addition to the leaf, saponins also present in flower. Also in addition to saponin, the flower of the chrysanthemum plant also contains many essential oils.
In addition to ornamental plants, Chrysanthemum also has many health benefits. The type of chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum indicum Chrysanthemum white or yellow chrysanthemum tea can be processed into as many we meet at the supermarket. Chrysanthemum tea has many benefits such as to treat influenza, acne, heartburn, sore throat, fever, hot and watery eyes, dizziness and can also to cleanse the liver. In traditional societies also often take advantage of chrysanthemum flowers to treat eye swelling and to treat wounds.