Temu Hitam (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)

Temu Hitam was originally a wild plant in the vicinity of forests, grasslands and farmlands in the area with an altitude of about 400-750 m above sea level which are found in the area of Burma, Cambodia and around Indochina. In the subsequent development of black meeting then spread to the island of Java and other areas. Black meeting included in the family Zingiberaceae, with tall stems can reach 1-2 meters, trunked artificial, flower-shaped bead of compound, with a crown of yellow flowers. Its rhizome is a stem tuber, is quite large, very bitter, sharp and cold nature. Its rhizome can be used as a laxative fart (carminative), sputum laxative, anthelmintic, can increase appetite (stomacic) and also serves as a blood purifier after the birth / menstruation, fertile womb, worms, hemorrhoid, uterus and down, cleaning the blood after childbirth, cough , increase stamina, increase appetite, urine, blood found over allocated, neutralizes toxins in the body, skin diseases such as scab, scabies, ulcers, asthma, thrush.