Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.)

These plants come from tropical American regions that grow well in an environment that many get direct sunlight, humidity and sufficient air at an altitude of about 0 -500 m above sea level. Having a tree trunk that is relatively small (about 30 cm in diameter) with a height can reach 10 m. Leaf, flower, stem and star fruit wuluh contains chemicals such as Saponin, tannin, glucoside, calcium oxalate, sulfur, formic acid, peroxidase, Tanin, sulfur, formic acid, peroxidase, calcium oxalate, potassium citrate. etc. are many benefits for treating various diseases such as:

The flowers can be used to treat:
- Cough.
- Sprue (stomatitis)

The leaves can be used to treat:
- Stomach pain. Mumps (Parotitis).
- Rheumatism.

The fruit can be used to treat:
- Whooping cough.
- bleeding gums, canker sores.
- Sick of cavities.
- Acne. Kromofitosis.
- High blood pressure.
- Paralysis.
- Improve digestive function.
- Inflammation of the rectum.