7 Tips Reduce Sugar Consumption

7 Tips Reduce Sugar Consumption - After you read the article Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar and find out about the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption, will we present the following 7 tips to reduce sugar consumption. And our advice, we suggest these tips you write on a piece of paper and then place it in areas that often you go through. Fine, we immediately began only to discuss items 7 tips:
1. Regardless of the dose of sugar in a cup of coffee or your tea, cut from now on. You can reduce the ½, ¼ or any of the previous dose and do it consistently.
2. Stop consuming soft drinks and bottled drinks and fruit juices. Fruit juice is healthy, but unfortunately most of the fruit juice packs usually have added sugar in it which is sometimes written "fructose". It's better to get used to eating a piece of fresh fruit or make their own juice with sugar mixture negate therein.
3. Do not add sugar to your breakfast cereal. Because just as fruit juice, cereals also contain sugar in it. And heed the label on your cereal, 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of the product means that product has a high sugar content.
4. Make it a habit to check in advance that you will buy products, avoid all products containing sugar, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, or other types of added sugar. It is better to satisfy your shopping cart with vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, nuts or wheat products.
5. Check the sugar content or carbs per 100 grams on the nutrition label of the product labeled "fat free (non-fat)" or "low fat (low-fat)" because often it turns out products containing added sugar to get a more delicious flavor.
6. Examine food products labeled "sugar free" (sugar free) or "low sugar" (low sugar). Often manufacturers use fructose (fruit sugar), not sugar cane, but still high in sugar. Nutrition or nutrition fact label will show the content of sugar per 100 grams of food products.
7. Remove the sugar and syrup from home. All white sugar and syrup should not be there in the kitchen cabinets, and replace it with other sweet foods to eat, like fresh fruit naturally.

After you read the seven tips above, our suggestions do not try to run the seven tips at once. Just do it naturally and gradually one by one to become a new habit. So when entering the seventh step, you will not miss the sugar at all.