Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar

Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar - Based on the research of Bart Hoebel of Princeton University, that the use of excessive sugar can lead to addictive effects as well as events in patients with drug abuse. As iasampaikan papers at meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology di Scottsdale, Arizona, USA where there Hoebel disclose the results of experiments on rats that showed behavioral changes dannjuga or neurochemical neurochemical changes (which are organic molecules that are involved in nervous system activity) in rats that resemble changes such as when a person is addicted to drugs.

"The animals are showing signs of withdrawal and further long-term effects that are similar to the signs of addiction," Hoebel said in a telephone interview.

"What we found is the provision of sugar water and then unleashing a wave (of chemicals in the brain), dopamine (a chemical in the brain cells, a type of neurotransmitters or substances that convey messages from one nerve to another nerve). This substance is part of the brain associated with motivation and reward, the nucleus accumbens, "says Hoebel.

"It has long been known that drugs are misused or increase the level of dopamine release in the brain. Here, the sugar doing an ordinary thing done by drugs of abuse, "he continued.

Hoebel said that this problem seems not sugar itself, but the behavior in consuming excessive sugar that is what has impact. As in other experiments where the rats accustomed to eating sugars and then in the next few weeks eliminated sugar from food, the result when these mice were fed sugar back then they eat sugar with higher numbers than ever before.

This also occurs in another experiment in which Hoebel when the sugar-eating rats given alcohol as a substitute for sugar, then the rats will also be drinking alcohol exceeded normal limits. And the rats also showed hyperactive behavior when given amphetamine in normal doses is not dangerous. (Amphetamine is a substance that is Psikostimulansia where users abuse the drug can cause mental and behavioral disorders).

Hoebel said that was not yet known effects of excessive sugar consumption is in humans, as revealed also by Melanie Miller, spokeswoman for the sugar association, namely the union of sugar from an industry group, that thought until now no sufficient evidence meyakinkan bahwa sugar addiction can cause effects in humans.

But from research supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and National Institute of Mental Health, the Hoebel concluded, "The conclusion is the relationship between substance abuse which traditionally is defined as a deviation such as drug addiction and the development of abnormal desire on natural substances, in this case is the sugar ", which according to him this conclusion may have implications in humans, especially people who have irregular eating patterns, such as excessive eating or bulimia (eating disorder behavior, namely eating excessive amounts of highly then brings back food that has been swallowed) .

Well, after knowing about the negative effects of consuming excessive sugar and then how to begin to gradually reduce your sugar intake?