7 Tips Reduce Sugar Consumption

7 Tips Reduce Sugar Consumption - After you read the article Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar and find out about the negative effects of excessive sugar consumption, will we present the following 7 tips to reduce sugar consumption. And our advice, we suggest these tips you write on a piece of paper and then place it in areas that often you go through. Fine, we immediately began only to discuss items 7 tips:
1. Regardless of the dose of sugar in a cup of coffee or your tea, cut from now on. You can reduce the ½, ¼ or any of the previous dose and do it consistently.
2. Stop consuming soft drinks and bottled drinks and fruit juices. Fruit juice is healthy, but unfortunately most of the fruit juice packs usually have added sugar in it which is sometimes written "fructose". It's better to get used to eating a piece of fresh fruit or make their own juice with sugar mixture negate therein.
3. Do not add sugar to your breakfast cereal. Because just as fruit juice, cereals also contain sugar in it. And heed the label on your cereal, 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of the product means that product has a high sugar content.
4. Make it a habit to check in advance that you will buy products, avoid all products containing sugar, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, or other types of added sugar. It is better to satisfy your shopping cart with vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, nuts or wheat products.
5. Check the sugar content or carbs per 100 grams on the nutrition label of the product labeled "fat free (non-fat)" or "low fat (low-fat)" because often it turns out products containing added sugar to get a more delicious flavor.
6. Examine food products labeled "sugar free" (sugar free) or "low sugar" (low sugar). Often manufacturers use fructose (fruit sugar), not sugar cane, but still high in sugar. Nutrition or nutrition fact label will show the content of sugar per 100 grams of food products.
7. Remove the sugar and syrup from home. All white sugar and syrup should not be there in the kitchen cabinets, and replace it with other sweet foods to eat, like fresh fruit naturally.

After you read the seven tips above, our suggestions do not try to run the seven tips at once. Just do it naturally and gradually one by one to become a new habit. So when entering the seventh step, you will not miss the sugar at all.

READ MORE » 7 Tips Reduce Sugar Consumption

Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar

Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar - Based on the research of Bart Hoebel of Princeton University, that the use of excessive sugar can lead to addictive effects as well as events in patients with drug abuse. As iasampaikan papers at meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology di Scottsdale, Arizona, USA where there Hoebel disclose the results of experiments on rats that showed behavioral changes dannjuga or neurochemical neurochemical changes (which are organic molecules that are involved in nervous system activity) in rats that resemble changes such as when a person is addicted to drugs.

"The animals are showing signs of withdrawal and further long-term effects that are similar to the signs of addiction," Hoebel said in a telephone interview.

"What we found is the provision of sugar water and then unleashing a wave (of chemicals in the brain), dopamine (a chemical in the brain cells, a type of neurotransmitters or substances that convey messages from one nerve to another nerve). This substance is part of the brain associated with motivation and reward, the nucleus accumbens, "says Hoebel.

"It has long been known that drugs are misused or increase the level of dopamine release in the brain. Here, the sugar doing an ordinary thing done by drugs of abuse, "he continued.

Hoebel said that this problem seems not sugar itself, but the behavior in consuming excessive sugar that is what has impact. As in other experiments where the rats accustomed to eating sugars and then in the next few weeks eliminated sugar from food, the result when these mice were fed sugar back then they eat sugar with higher numbers than ever before.

This also occurs in another experiment in which Hoebel when the sugar-eating rats given alcohol as a substitute for sugar, then the rats will also be drinking alcohol exceeded normal limits. And the rats also showed hyperactive behavior when given amphetamine in normal doses is not dangerous. (Amphetamine is a substance that is Psikostimulansia where users abuse the drug can cause mental and behavioral disorders).

Hoebel said that was not yet known effects of excessive sugar consumption is in humans, as revealed also by Melanie Miller, spokeswoman for the sugar association, namely the union of sugar from an industry group, that thought until now no sufficient evidence meyakinkan bahwa sugar addiction can cause effects in humans.

But from research supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and National Institute of Mental Health, the Hoebel concluded, "The conclusion is the relationship between substance abuse which traditionally is defined as a deviation such as drug addiction and the development of abnormal desire on natural substances, in this case is the sugar ", which according to him this conclusion may have implications in humans, especially people who have irregular eating patterns, such as excessive eating or bulimia (eating disorder behavior, namely eating excessive amounts of highly then brings back food that has been swallowed) .

Well, after knowing about the negative effects of consuming excessive sugar and then how to begin to gradually reduce your sugar intake?

READ MORE » Healthy life by reducing consumption of sugar


One way to fight obesity can be done with the consumption of tea that serves shed fat. One tea that can be used is teak leaf tea from Holland. According to the Organic Djamoe Kampoeng owned Martha Tilaar Group, teak leaves the Netherlands has efficacy for treating obesity (overweight) by reducing fat and cholesterol.

Mango 100 grams (half a medium fruit)
50 grams of carrots (half shaft is)
12.5 leaves of spinach (half a handful)
5 grams of teak leaves the Netherlands (5 sheets) can be replaced with 2 grams (1 gram), yellow leaf
25 grams of pineapple (1 small piece)
1 teaspoon lemon juice

1. Clean all the ingredients and cut into small pieces. Soak the Dutch teak leaves with 100 ml (1 cup) boiling water for 15 minutes, strain, and take the water.
2. In addition to lime, put all the ingredients that have been cut and Dutch teak leaf water into the blender. Run the blender until liquid is obtained juice.
3. Remove and place in a glass, add lime juice, stir, and serve. It is recommended not to add sugar.

Source: kompas.com
READ MORE » Obesity

Cholesterol damping with grain Apples

Cholesterol damping with grain Apples - Eat an apple every day and the doctor went away. That's the old advice that has existed since 150 years ago and still remains relevant today. A recent study in the United States back to reveal the truth of this advice. Studies show that apples can help lower bad cholesterol and help you lose weight. In a study for a year of 160 postmenopausal women who regularly eat apples, it turns out their bodies more healthy. The respondents were divided into two groups, namely eating fresh apples and eating apples that have been dried.

After regularly eating fresh apples for 6 months, levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), they fell to 23 percent. At the same time, levels of good cholesterol (HDL) rose to 4 percent. Meanwhile, women from the group of dried apple eater mengasup about 75 grams per day, their weight on average reduced. C-reactive protein levels (markers of inflammation in the body) and heart disease risk marker also fell. Scientists from Florida State University explains, apples contain pectin which increases the body's ability to metabolize fat. Apples are also rich in polyphenols that inhibit the production of inflammatory molecules.

Source : Kompas.com
READ MORE » Cholesterol damping with grain Apples

Tips For Maximum Working Condoms

Tips For Maximum Working Condoms - Condoms have been proven effective for preventing unexpected pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. However, there are flavored condoms many men who do not like using condoms because they felt could reduce the enjoyment. While most women are embarrassed or reluctant to ask their partners to use condoms. flavored condoms Outside the functions that have been proven effective, you should notice a few things before using the safety device is super thin.

Never use condoms that have expired. Condoms are flavored condoms like this are usually physically looks a little broken, feels sticky when held and fragile or easily torn. If conditions are such that, of course the function of condoms flavored condoms as a means of birth control would not be effective anymore. In addition, it also puts the condom expired feared venereal disease.

Do not use condoms made from animal skin, flavored condoms because this type of condoms do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you are allergic to latex condoms, you better use a condom made of polyurethane or other flavored condoms types of plastic.

Condom storage must also be considered. Do not put condoms in places hit by direct heat, like in the back pants pocket, the car dashboard, under direct flavored condoms light such as under a lamp or direct sunlight. Also, save the condom away from hard objects, like coins in a wallet, keys in your pocket or nail clippers flavored condoms in the bag. Place the deviation is significant for condom is not damaged before use.

To avoid a broken condom before use, do not also use the teeth, nails, scissors flavored condoms or other sharp objects to open a condom wrapper.

Do not use lubricants that contain oils, fats, "baby oil", body lotion, cooking oil, massage lotion or sunscreen. Creams can damage flavored condoms condoms by making a small hole.

The rest, do not unroll the condom or blow it before use. Never use two condoms at the same time because it would not flavored condoms be effective. So, just use a condom alone. Finally, do not throw away condoms that have been used arbitrarily for example to the toilet, because it can pollute the environment.
READ MORE » Tips For Maximum Working Condoms

Drink Coffee 4 Cup a Day to Prevent Diabetes

Drink Coffee 4 Cup a Day to Prevent Diabetes - For coffee lovers, of course, will types of coffee never forget the unique taste and delicious. During this society have an impact assess coffee is bad for health due to caffeine. Researchers think that coffee can affect types of coffee the body to increase blood sugar. Apparently, the opinions about the coffee refuted a recent study in the United States. In addition to treating the sleep, two varieties types of coffee of coffee can also prevent diabetes. Professor Simin Liu, lead researcher, said, "All about coffee mistos turned out wrong." As proclaimed Medicmagic.net site on Wednesday (19 / 1), scientists types of coffee at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, found that drinks made from coffee beans (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora) can prevent type two diabetes, caused by deficient types of coffee secretion insulin. In the study, they examined SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin), a hormone that regulates the activity of testosterone and estrogen. SHBG also served to increase immunity against diabetes. types of coffee Coffee consumption can increase SHBG hormone.

This research was conducted on 40 thousand women who consumed coffee. The results showed that people who drank four cups of coffee per types of coffee day had higher SHBG than non coffee drinkers. Additionally, 56 percent of the respondents indicated they were exposed to lower diabetes risk than those who did not consume coffee.
READ MORE » Drink Coffee 4 Cup a Day to Prevent Diabetes

7 causes the body exposed to high cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the most dreaded diseases of people. But most people are also less know the things that can cause high cholesterol. 7 we present here will cause a person suffering from high cholesterol, may be useful to increase our insights against the disease:
1. Daily food
In general, the source of cholesterol is from animal fat (beef, goat meat, milk, eggs, cheese etc.), though some of that comes from vegetable fats (coconut, coconut oil, palm oil / butter etc). In principle foods that contain lots of saturated fat is the cause of high cholesterol so it should be wise in consuming these foods
2. Weight Loss
Excess weight will increase levels of triglycerides and lower HDL (good cholesterol). So you should keep your weight to avoid obesity
3. Lack of movement
Our bodies are designed to do a lot of motion, so be careful if you have a more sedentary activity. Due to lack of movement may increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol)
4. Age and sex
Cholesterol levels will tend to rise after age through 20 years, and cholesterol levels in men will continue to increase after the age above 50 years. Whereas in women cholesterol levels will fall by the time of menopause, but will tend to increase the same as men after menopause.
5. Certain diseases
In some cases, cholesterol levels remain high although it has been trying to stay away from fatty foods. This is usually caused because the person is suffering from diabetes or hypothyroidism
6. Family History
The risk for high cholesterol greater for someone who is a member of the family also have the problem of high cholesterol premises
7. Smoke
Smoking can reduce levels of good cholesterol in the body so that only the bad cholesterol. So you should not smoke or you compensate for the decreased levels of good cholesterol in the body.
READ MORE » 7 causes the body exposed to high cholesterol